We hope you'll join us on Sunday mornings at 10 AM!
Our services have aspects that are upbeat and modern as well as quiet and contemplative. We love to laugh and have fun together, too!
Our musicians lead songs that you might be familiar with if you listen to Christian radio stations. We also love to mix in some of the meaningful historical hymns of the church. We think there is beauty in both.
Our pastors and leaders will lead times of prayer and Scripture reading. We also receive communion each week.
We have a nursery and preschool area for your littlest ones, staffed with caring and competent leaders. If you have kids in elementary school, they will stay with you for the first part of the service and then be dismissed for Kids Crew. You'll pick them up after the service from their classroom.
We're a pretty casual bunch. Flip flops and shorts are welcomed. You won't feel out of place in a tie, either. Come as you are and make yourself at home. We can't wait to meet you.